Requests | Blesta


New Ticket Autoresponder

Starburst Services shared this idea 5 months ago
Under Consideration

Have an option in the ticket system to have an option for a custom autoreply, so you can have 1 for Abuse, 1 for Support, 1 for General Info, etc.

Comments (3)


Trying to understand.. you want to customize the "ticket received" email, based on the department? So if you have an Abuse department you can automatically send 1 message when a ticket is opened by a client, and another for the Support department, General Info department, etc?

A pre-defined response can be set for automatically closing a ticket, so this could make sense to have a pre-defined response included in the Ticket Received email, if I understand the request.


Yes, but as a welcome response when they first submit a ticket to you.

So the department setup for Abuse, would have it's own customized canned auto response that get's sent saying thanks for contacting us, blah blah.

But then Support, would have another customized response.

Thanks for contacting support, our response time is 365 solar days.

Then Sales/Info would have it's own.

Thanks for contact us about giving us about setting up an account, etc.

Not when the ticket closes, but when it is first opened.

I guess I could do this thru the email server, is they are imported that way, but one's opened thru the panel won't get this.


+1 I like this idea. A "simple" recreation of "Auto-Close Ticket Response" for New Ticket Received emails would be good. Can set each department to have their own text, info, and KB article links. Might increase resolutions before staff intervention.