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Add order to an affiliate

Planned Michael Comments: 2 Reply 3 months ago by Alento
10 votes

Disable all email notifications at customer level

Under Consideration Luis M. 3 months ago Billing No Comments
1 vote

OneProvider cloud & dedicated server module

Under Consideration Benjamin B. Modules Comments: 4 Reply 3 months ago by WHMCSModule N.
2 votes

Domain availability search & pricing check system

Under Consideration Luis M. 3 months ago Domains No Comments
2 votes

Need Paddle Gateway

Under Consideration Benjamin B. 3 months ago Payment Gateways No Comments
1 vote

Include Add-on description on the order form

Under Consideration Michael B. 4 months ago No Comments
3 votes

Enhance shared hosting panel

Under Consideration Paul P. Modules Comments: 8 Reply 4 months ago by Benjamin B.
9 votes

Premium Domain Registration/Transfer Support

Under Consideration Frazer B. Domains Comments: 1 Reply 4 months ago by James R.
5 votes

Rewrite price of configurable options by package / group

Under Consideration yaoyao (. Order System Comments: 1 Reply 4 months ago by yaoyao (.
1 vote
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