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Domain and Hosting Ordering: Disallow www on front of domains

Under Consideration Rob @. Order System Comments: 4 Reply 1 year ago by Rob @.
11 votes

Plain Text password in client area

Under Consideration Muhammad J. Client Interface Comments: 2 Reply 1 year ago by Steve
2 votes

User Management System

Under Consideration Bady Client Interface Comments: 3 Reply 1 year ago by Steve
4 votes
8 votes

Support Plugin: Designate Primary Account Holder

Under Consideration Jason R. Client Interface Comments: 2 Reply 1 year ago by Jason R.
5 votes

Move Service between Users

Completed Sebastian Comments: 5 Reply 1 year ago by Kathy B.
14 votes

Prevent Orders From Clients With Due Balance

Under Consideration Aleksa D. Order System Comments: 2 Reply 1 year ago by Aleksa D.
4 votes

Stripe Checkout - chargeback protection

Under Consideration MrPsycho Payment Gateways Comments: 3 Reply 1 year ago by Aleksa D.
18 votes

CentralNic Reseller, formerly RRPproxy registrar module

Under Consideration Tonette T. Domains Comments: 1 Reply 1 year ago by Md.Mahmudul H.
3 votes

Cashfree Payment Gateway Module

Under Consideration Mohammed J. Payment Gateways Comments: 1 Reply 1 year ago by Mohammed J.
1 vote

Namecheap SSL module

Under Consideration aldk Modules Comments: 2 Reply 1 year ago by aldk
5 votes

Game control panel module

Under Consideration Muhammad H. Modules Comments: 3 Reply 1 year ago by Oliver O.
2 votes
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