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Add-on Email Confirmations - Choose Which Ones to Send

Under Consideration ewh Modules Comments: 1 Reply 4 years ago by turner2f
3 votes
4 votes
2 votes

Custom FraudlabsPro Response Message

Under Consideration g4m3r Billing Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Md.Mahmudul H.
2 votes
2 votes

Alternate or similar domain suggestion / domain ideas feature

Under Consideration Anay C. Domains Comments: 1 Reply 5 months ago by Muhammad J.
2 votes

Ability to override a class

Under Consideration Nigel K. Billing Comments: 2 Reply 5 years ago by Nigel K.
2 votes

Update Vultr module to use new UUID in API

Completed Cam G. Modules Comments: 5 Reply 1 year ago by Jeffric P.
3 votes

Plain Text password in client area

Under Consideration Muhammad J. Client Interface Comments: 2 Reply 1 year ago by Steve
2 votes

PDOStatement error reporting

Under Consideration Mohamed A. 7 years ago No Comments
2 votes

"Sticky HelpDesk Comments" Feature

Under Consideration CodiesLAB.Tech Support Manager Comments: 5 Reply 3 years ago by Ricky T.
2 votes

Set "Assigned to" automatically to the last agent which replied

Under Consideration Atypical6740 Plugins Comments: 1 Reply 8 months ago by Jon M.
3 votes
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