Requests | Blesta


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Pass service to getClientTabs and getAdminTabs

Declined Aleksa D. Modules Comments: 1 Reply 2 days ago by Jonathan R.
2 votes

Module: Realtime Register

Under Consideration André G. Modules Comments: 1 Reply 2 days ago by jorgep
13 votes

Add support for HestiaCP

Under Consideration mitialademurcia Modules Comments: 8 Reply 1 month ago by Paul P.
5 votes

Cloudflare Turnstile

Completed Chris Staff Interface Comments: 2 Reply 1 week ago by Paul P.
6 votes

Plugin Logging

Under Consideration T. C. Plugins Comments: 2 Reply 2 weeks ago by T. C.
1 vote

Plugin Route Registration

Under Consideration Aleksa D. 6 days ago Plugins No Comments
3 votes

Initial Setup wizard

Under Consideration Chris Staff Interface Comments: 3 Reply 5 days ago by Chris
3 votes

Social Login

Under Consideration Atypical6740 Plugins Comments: 3 Reply 6 months ago by Benjamin B.
17 votes

Add Admin tab for Navigation

Under Consideration Jason R. Staff Interface Comments: 2 Reply 1 month ago by Jason R.
2 votes
18 votes

Service Specific Ticket

Planned CodiesLAB.Tech Support Manager Comments: 4 Reply 6 months ago by Markus S.
10 votes

Rename Navigation Menu

Under Consideration Md F. Comments: 1 Reply 2 weeks ago by Paul P.
1 vote

Percent pricing for Configurable Option / Add-on Package

Under Consideration Aleksa D. 2 years ago Billing No Comments
4 votes

Pro Rata for all payment periods

Under Consideration Aleksa D. Billing Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Aleksa D.
2 votes
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