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Test Button when adding servers

Under Consideration Matt L. Modules Comments: 1 Reply 7 months ago by Muhammad J.
4 votes

Page builder

Under Consideration Chris Plugins Comments: 2 Reply 7 months ago by kleanthis
3 votes

Affiliate landing page

Under Consideration Chris Plugins Comments: 5 Reply 7 months ago by kleanthis
17 votes Integration Module

Under Consideration Raymond R. 7 months ago Modules No Comments
2 votes


Under Consideration Omar 7 months ago Client Interface No Comments
5 votes

Quickbooks / Xero or other accounting software module

Under Consideration Matthew D. Comments: 6 Reply 7 months ago by Eve C.
12 votes

Allow the universal module to create tickets or reminders

Under Consideration Luis M. Modules Comments: 5 Reply 7 months ago by monney
3 votes

Add network config for Proxmox Module (LXC)

Under Consideration angel s. Modules Comments: 2 Reply 7 months ago by monney
3 votes

Please add an HTML editor into the Download Manager plugin

Under Consideration Jon M. Plugins Comments: 1 Reply 7 months ago by monney
2 votes

Proxmox Module MAC address option

Under Consideration Vikas V. Modules Comments: 6 Reply 7 months ago by monney
2 votes

bermain game di indonesia

Under Consideration talia h. 7 months ago No Comments
1 vote

Modal infoboxes for mandatory actions

Under Consideration James R. 7 months ago Client Interface No Comments
1 vote

Password reset should also complete email verification

Under Consideration James R. 7 months ago Client Interface No Comments
5 votes

CKEditor 5 add all HTML wysiwyg Editor

Under Consideration Md.Mahmudul H. 7 months ago Staff Interface No Comments
3 votes

Domain renewal reminder emails tags

Under Consideration Md.Mahmudul H. 7 months ago Automation No Comments
4 votes
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