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IP Asset Management (IPAM) Module

Under Consideration Jon M. 7 months ago Modules No Comments
1 vote

Add attachment to e-mail templates

Planned Bady Comments: 3 Reply 7 months ago by Paul P.
9 votes

Indonesian Payment Gateway via Duitku

Planned Yudhi A. Payment Gateways Comments: 13 Reply 7 months ago by Yudhi A.
11 votes

Backblaze B2 Cloud Backup Destination

Under Consideration Matt S. Comments: 4 Reply 8 months ago by Felix L.
8 votes

OpenSRS Domain Management with feature

In Progress Eddris K. Domains Comments: 3 Reply 8 months ago by Jon M.
5 votes

Proxmox Module need to define VLANs on network interfaces

Under Consideration Jon M. 8 months ago Modules No Comments
1 vote

Choosing a subdomain for hosting product

Completed Muhammad H. Modules Comments: 8 Reply 8 months ago by Jon M.
10 votes

Reset your password request will expire in 1 hour.

Under Consideration Md.Mahmudul H. 8 months ago Client Interface No Comments
3 votes

Breadcrumbs in the admin interface

Under Consideration Jon M. 8 months ago Staff Interface No Comments
3 votes

Set "Assigned to" automatically to the last agent which replied

Under Consideration Atypical6740 Plugins Comments: 1 Reply 8 months ago by Jon M.
3 votes

Registrar TLD & Pricing Sync

Completed Md.Mahmudul H. Domains Comments: 12 Reply 8 months ago by Vladimir
10 votes

Passwordless Authentication with FIDO2 standard (Security Key)

Under Consideration Ethan C. Client Interface Comments: 1 Reply 8 months ago by Jon M.
6 votes

Free Domain on Hosting Package

Completed Jeffric P. Order System Comments: 13 Reply 8 months ago by Kim D.
23 votes

Predefining Invoice Generation Methods when Creating a Quotation

Under Consideration Kim D. 8 months ago No Comments
2 votes
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