Requests | Blesta


Staff/Internal knowledgebase

Chris shared this idea 2 years ago
Under Consideration

Have a secondary knowledgebase for staff - Like company guides or useful cheatsheets we can store within the admin area!

Ideally only accessible to staff users - Maybe with varying permission levels

L1 tech support - See the answers to "How do I change my password"

L2 tech support - More advanced articles

Billing dept - See billing related guides

Sales dept - Could see role specific guides

So on, So forth! I think it'd add value to the staff interface!

Comments (3)


I'd suggest setting up a dokuwiki or something and linking that by adding a navigation menu item for staff. The downside is there is no SSO for that (wich means your staff has to remember blesta and dokuwiki credentials).


Hi there, we use the ticket responses for this issue, I don't know if that will help you but I do like the idea.


It's not something that's make or break for me - I just feel it'd add huge value to Blesta! :) Thanks for the suggestion though Mike!