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Email Template - Change "From Email" on multiple templates

Under Consideration g4m3r Staff Interface Comments: 3 Reply 6 months ago by Emma M.
3 votes
2 votes
38 votes

Bank Deposit

Under Consideration David W. 6 months ago Billing No Comments
2 votes

Ticket Number Formatting

Under Consideration Markus S. 6 months ago Support Manager No Comments
4 votes

Average ticket response time

Planned Sebastian Comments: 4 Reply 6 months ago by Markus S.
9 votes

Modernise the Admin Area

Under Consideration Markus S. 6 months ago Staff Interface No Comments
4 votes

Coupon Restrict to Client Group

Under Consideration Sebastian 6 months ago Order System No Comments
7 votes

Free Sub-Domain

Under Consideration Jason P. Order System Comments: 4 Reply 7 months ago by Christopher R.
7 votes

Ability to re send service welcome emails

Completed ewh Client Interface Comments: 5 Reply 7 months ago by Paul P.
18 votes

Support Form Hide description box and autofil subject

Under Consideration Christopher R. 7 months ago Support Manager No Comments
1 vote


Under Consideration Zlaja Modules Comments: 4 Reply 7 months ago by Markus S.
5 votes

PagHiper Brazil

Under Consideration Heber T. 7 months ago Payment Gateways No Comments
1 vote
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