Requests | Blesta


User Defined Invoice Formats

Sebastian shared this idea 1 month ago

With upcoming Legislation in EU, many Countries will mandate Electronic Invoicing Formats (supplementing, or replacing PDF) when issuing electronic Invoices.

In order to facilitate this, I'm proposing that Blesta adds the option of "user defined" invoice-formats.

Proposed Function:

- Folder Holding "Invoice-Formats" (Each invoice template is a .template File extension (Type: UTF8-Textfile). For each invoice template there is a config.json specifying "display name",.....)

- Admin Interface: Show a list of "Invoice-Templates" similar to how it works for "plugins". With options to enable/disable. (And If invoices rendered via this should be cached).

- Client Interface: When selecting the "View Invoice"/"Download Invoice" Drop Down -> Show entries/option for every one of the enabled Invoice Formats.

-Backends: Simple Templating Logic. (Invoice data + Template format == render Digital Invoice)

Reasoning behind this suggested implementation:

Many countries will have very different preferred electronic invoice formats. In the future formats may also change. And even if one country/region allows multiple formats, there will also be different revision, internal preferences,.... The suggested solution takes all of this into account, with blesta providing the facilities, and users being able to provide the format definitions.

Reference Implementation/format:

- Here i would suggest "UBL XML" format. As it appears to be one of the most widely accepted.

Comments (6)


This would be great for me also. There are a few standards in latin america too using XML.

Also to have the ability to save custom metadata against the invoice table or an auxiliary one... For example, confirmation codes, statuses, responses, and so on.


We've had several requests for UBL XML format digital invoices, but no one has yet been able to provide an example file so that we can understand it. Do you have an example?


One other question. Is the aim to provide a way for the client (only or staff also?) to download the invoice in the custom format? Does it only need to appear in the dropdown next to an invoice for example and there is no automatic integration with a government API to sync invoices to? Should it be included in invoice emails? It seems relatively straight forward to implement this as you describe, but I want to be sure this covers it well, and that we have an example of this UBL XML format that we could include out of the box.


I've created the following task for this


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