Requests | Blesta


VIES Check and VAT Rate update support

Emanuele Vedova shared this idea 4 years ago

Another big must-to-have feature and I will ask on requested feature site, commonly is the VIES check support! If possibile with VAT rate update. Nothing strange, but if you work with EU customers you must have it (or the VAT MOSS request will fallen at all). If possible using rate systems/API that went from BCE (European Central Bank) for EU countries - Euro related, HMRC one for UK people - GBP related, with SNB (Swiss National Bank) for Swiss people - CHF related. Or almost have the one (but not only has having BCE, HMRC, SNB ones I think it's not difficult to have) ... in US think people need the same and not using some strange - not official - exchange sources as it can cause many accounting related matters!

Comments (4)


In my opinion correct handling of VAT rates would be very important feature for any (potential) European user of Blesta. You guys really should consider adding support for that. Especially:

- Validate any entered VAT-ID against VIES.

- Don't apply VAT rates if the country of the customer is within the EU, the customer supplied VAT-ID and is located in a different country then the company which runs Blesta.

- If a customer doesn't provide a VAT-ID, expect him to be private consumer and charge VAT rates according to his address, but use some sources (such as IP address, issuing country of the credit card) to verify that.

Without these additions any company registered inside the European Union may not (legally) use Blesta in its current shape as it could create invoices with invalid taxes, except when the company falls under the micro company exception (which is somewhere in the 10.000€ revenues per year range, but exact number depends on the country of registration).


In Europe, a must Have :)


We have a task for this Thanks for providing details in the request and comments.


This has been completed for version 5.0