Requests | Blesta


Conversion of currency after the payment was done.

Tanay Nandana shared this idea 7 months ago
Under Consideration

So basically this is how it works

Clients pay in USD and I receive the money in INR.

If you don't understand I can try to elaborate but its not that hard to understand just for the record.

this is a pic from wisecp

It lets us choose so that we could accept payments in USD and the system would convert the money and send it to me in INR.

This is useful as I'm from india and unregistered businesses can't accept currency other than INR. I have a normal stripe account which limits me to only accepting INR. I used to use whmcs before and they had this system and it enabled me to accept card payments from american clients and receive the money in INR.

Comments (2)


Playing video games online at run 3 is one of the ways that we get to show off our muscles to all of our new friends that we have made all across the world. It is possible to become addicted to it, and I believe that parents have a lot of responsibility in making sure that things go more smoothly in this regard.


I got the feature wrong, is there a way to close this request?