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placeholder for Universal Module fields and config options

Under Consideration Michael Modules Comments: 1 Reply 2 years ago by Boris
4 votes

Change domain on all modules.

Under Consideration Michael 3 years ago Modules No Comments
3 votes

Axigen Mail Server module provisionning

Under Consideration Anthony G. 3 years ago Modules No Comments
2 votes

Create module for SolidCP

Under Consideration Krzysztof H. 3 years ago Modules No Comments
2 votes

Interserver Module

Under Consideration Michael 3 years ago Modules No Comments
1 vote

I-MSCP Panel integration

Under Consideration Ralph W. Modules Comments: 1 Reply 3 years ago by Michael
1 vote

Add server grouping dropdown in the server creation window

Under Consideration James M. 3 years ago Modules No Comments
1 vote

Under Consideration Muhammad T. 3 years ago Modules No Comments
2 votes

Support for Pterodactyl Backups

Under Consideration Michael K. Modules Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Pemigrade
3 votes

Universal Module - Upgrade/Expand

Under Consideration Boris 3 years ago Modules No Comments
3 votes

Bacula Provisioning Module

Under Consideration Sebastian 3 years ago Modules No Comments
2 votes

Proxmox Cloud Init Support

Under Consideration Sebastian 3 years ago Modules No Comments
5 votes

Update Pterodactyl Module

Under Consideration Bryce A. 3 years ago Modules No Comments
2 votes
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