Requests | Blesta


Concentrated Blesta Licenses

Subsequence shared this idea 4 years ago

Instead of just people reselling users a Blesta license, it would be cool to have a feature, where with a certain blesta license, you have the option to allow users to purchase "Sub-Licensed" stores, by which, a user could open a small blesta store within your store, using a separate domain and the same license.

EG; Say your marketing towards "Start your own White Label Hosting Company today!"

They could have there own little store, re-sell the product of the hosting company they purchased the "Sub-Store" from, but with limited controls.

Comments (2)



It's to have instances of blesta run inside of the same blesta. Like seperate "Micro" stores, for users who wish to buy it

Under the hosting companies license.

To let customers sell there own stuff

for a price

And less features


Sounds complicated like a reseller tier of user. We prefer if your resellers get their own Blesta license.