Requests | Blesta


Mass Mailer: provide all services / packages data per client to avoid sending multiple emails

James Bolitho shared this idea 1 month ago
Under Consideration

The scenario is: I need to send out an email to all my hosting customers to inform them of a price increase. I want to use the Mass Mailer plugin and the filters function to select only the services where the price increases are relevant. Currently to ensure all the relevant clients services are included I have to tick the "Include for all Services" checkbox which means a client will receive multiple emails if they have multiple services / packages. That isn't really what I want and looking in the available objects for 'service' using {% debug %} in the email template it does indeed only give you one service.

It would be good to be able to just loop through the list of services a client has so that it can be displayed in one email rather than sending out multiple emails to the same client for each service.

For example it would be great if we could do the following in the email template:

{% for service in services %}

The details below show the new price and your renewal date for the following hosting service:<br><strong>Service: </strong>{} - {} <br><strong>Price: </strong> {service.package_pricing.price | currency_format service.package_pricing.currency}<br><strong>Renews: </strong>{service.date_renews | date "d M Y"}

{% endfor %}

Thanks in advance for considering this.
