Requests | Blesta


DigitalOcean Droplets For Blesta

Tonette Thompson shared this idea 5 months ago
Under Consideration

DigitalOcean old one is not working


Admin Area

Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate Server

Resize Server By Changing Size Slug For Droplet Plan

Power On/Power Off/Shut Down/Reboot Server

Reset Server Password

Toggle Automatic Backups

Enable Private Networking

Enable Reserved IP Addresses

Enable IPv6

Change Server Hostname

View Server Status And Details

View Server Network Information

View/Create/Restore/Delete Snapshots

View And Restore Backups

Rebuild Server With Chosen OS Distribution

View Tasks History

Configure Product Details:

Choose Project

Choose Region

Choose Size Slug Plan

Choose OS Image

Define Additional Volume Size

Define Snapshots Limit

Define Firewalls Limit

Define Inbound/Outbound/Total Firewall Rules Limit

Define Droplet Tags

Provide Random Domain Prefix

Provide Firewall Prefix

Choose Master SSH Key

Toggle Automatic Backups

Toggle Monitoring

Toggle Reserved IP Addresses

Toggle IPv6

Toggle Private Networking

User Data - Execute Custom Cloud-Config Or Bash Script To Customize Server On First Boot

Allow SSH Key Inserting - Enable Logging In To Server Without Password

Choose Features Available In Client Area:

Rebuild Droplet


Tasks History




Select Available Images To Rebuild Droplet:

OS Distributions

One-Click Install Apps


Change Hostname

Rebuild Initially Chosen Image Only

Power On

Power Off

Shut Down


Reset Password

Generate Configurable Options

Choose Welcome Email And Password Reset Email Templates

Configure Email Piping

Run Server Connection Test

Toggle Debug For Logging API Requests And Responses

Client Area

Power On/Power Off/Shut Down/Reboot Server

View Server Status And Details

View Server Network Information

View/Create/Restore/Delete Snapshots

View And Restore Backups

Rebuild Server With Chosen:

OS Distribution

One-Click App

Administrator's Snapshot

View/Create/Edit/Delete Firewalls And Inbound/Outbound Rules For:

TCP Protocol

UDP Protocol

ICMP Protocol

Reset Server Password

Change Server Hostname

View Tasks History

View Resources Graphs:

CPU Usage

Memory Usage

Average Load

Disk Usage

Bandwidth Usage

Choose Server Parameters During Order

Provide SSH Key During Order

Receive Email Notification After VM Creation And Password Reset